Tui Room is the space for young children aged 3 years to 5 years, and accommodates 25-30 young children.

Sometime around 3 years of age, there is a readiness for even more freedom, autonomy, space to stretch the limits, choices to be made, preferences to be expressed, deepening of relationships, and when mastery of mind, body and spirit has more urgency. 

This is when the Tui Room beckons, and our infants, now toddlers move in with the other young children, until they eventually leave for primary school.  Being an active member of the group for some, finding a space for solitary play for others, a little of both for many.   Tui offers it all. 

The possibilities for learning are endless.  They are as open and varied as the dispositions, interests, skills and abilities of young children.

Play becomes more sustained, curiosity while always there finds more languages of expression through materials, arts, movement, transformation, construction, dramatic play, physicality, symbols, role playing, theory making, meaning making to name a few. 

The inside and outside natural learning environments allow for young children to take more agency in what they learn and how they learn.